We need emotional content! (Bruce Lee, Enter the Dragon)

Rants and comments on movies

With special focus on asian films

Wednesday, 30 May 2007

And so it begins…

if you follow this blog you'll know what one specific german male in his 40s likes to watch and read. You'll find him quite opinionated and frank in his judgments, I think.
I hope that some day there will be a lot of comments on enjoyable movies of all possible genres (well, perhaps not so many about westerns), and passionate rants about bad movies. What I consider to be bad, you'll have to find out by yourselves – it won't necessarily conform with the critics or the mainstream of movie fans.
There probably won't be many long reviews, and my comments won't always be very up to date. I intend this blog to show my actual viewing history, so if I discover a movie that's when I'll write about it, may it be 20 years old or just released.

The first few posts will consist of movies I care for a lot and should give you an idea what you can expect here. After that I'll mainly stick to movies and books that I just watched/read. At least, that's the plan…

Ah, yes: and you'll probably find a lot of funny english, since I understand the language much better than I write in it.

Right-o, lets have some fun!

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